Following the U.S. Capitol insurrection, Telegram became the most downloaded messaging app in the US. Telegram allows users to have conversations on public channels and to also have secret chats with self-destructing messages, photos, and videos. These encrypted chats[2] and group chats remain private between the people chatting. This privacy allows violent extremists to use the public side of Telegram to expose others to their violent extremist beliefs. They then use the private chats to share their tactics, recruit, and organize. Telegram’s file storage feature allows violent extremists to share videos and manifestos that can inspire people to commit violent extremist acts. Telegram has become a convenient tool for right-wing extremists and is used frequently by neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and antigovernment extremists.
Recommended Age: 16 and up (Age not required to register)
See Tips for Parents[2] Encryption refers to the process of scrambling data so that messages cannot be read by anyone other than the sender and recipient
Rocket.Chat is an online instant messaging platform that allows for the creation of private and public chatrooms and one-on-one conversations with other users. The platform was originally designed for office collaborations, much like Slack. However, because it automatically translates posts between languages, it provides a useful space for transnational extremist groups to collaborate and recruit members. Rocket.Chat is known as the platform of choice for jihadists. It poses a threat for recruitment of youth into terrorism groups in the U.S. and abroad.
Required Age: 13 and up
See Tips for Parents